Letters and Packages

All mail should be sent to the mission office. Any letters or packages are then sent by pouch to the zone leader where each missionary is serving.
Elizabeth White
Ecuador Quito Mission
Calles Robles E4-151 y Av. Amazonas
Casilla: 17-03-078
Quito, Pichincha
The mail system in Ecuador is very frustrating. It seems very random that some packages make it through and others don’t. 

The green customs sticker must be filled out and packages must be under 4 kilos (8.8 lbs.) or they end up in what they affectionately call “Mail Jail” and are either returned or are subject to heavy fees and the officials go through and take out what they deem unacceptable. 

There should be no used clothing, and food items should be limited so that it is not the entire package and should not all be the same thing.

During the couple of months prior to Christmas, packages take longer to get here and the more likely they are to be held in customs.