Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's March??!!

Wow I can not believe how fast time is flying! I can’t believe that it is already March! BUt anyways, this week was pretty chill. We were in the house Monday and Tuesday and I literaly went crazy I think! I don’t remember what I did but all I know is that I wanted to leave the house but I couldn’t and we almost starved, but not really, cause we didn’t have any food in the house! But other than that it was a really good couple of days! I got to take like 5 naps which was great cause I really miss naps!

The reat of the week was really good! I little stressful cause I had to plan everything and be in charge and stuff but it was great! The exciting thing that happened this week is that we traveled to Quito for a day! My companion chipped her front tooth and so we had to go to Quito to a dentist so that they could fix it. But really other than that nothing else exciting happened.

OH ya! Here in Ecuador and I think south America they have Dìa de la mujers (day of women) which is the 8th of March so in relief society we got a thing of chocolate from the men in the ward so that pretty much made my day!

But ya thats it for this week! Love you all!

Hermana WHite

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Changes and Carnival

Surprise!! I am writing today! Three days early!

This week has just been really awesome!! Tuesday we went to do a service with the other hermanas in my district. We went and helped these members clean their hotel to get ready for the holidays. It was pretty fun! We swept and moped a huge dining room and we also helped them carry dishes to the dining room. We carried 90 bowels and 150 plates!! It took forever and my arms hurt really bad!

Then on Thursday we found out the changes. My companion Hermana Echegary was transfered from Ambato to Quito and I got a new companion. But our last day together we had a baptism! It was literally the best thing ever! Lourdes, the hermana who got baptised looked so pretty in her white dress and the whole ward was there. And tomorrow she is going to get confirmed and it really is just the best thing!

Then Friday I got my new companion! Everyone who was being transferd were in the terminal at 8:30 in the morning except for the Elders in my district! They didn’t come until 10:00! But at last they arrived and they left to Quito and the rest of us waited in the terminal until our companions arrived at 1:00! So I was in the terminal for 4 hours! But its all good! My new companion in Hermana Jimenez and she is adorable! I already love her and am so excited for this change! She is from Columbia and her accent is just the best!

My New Companion Hermana Jimenez
My New Companion Hermana Jimenez

The first thing we did as companion was not eat lunch. We didn’t eat until 4:00! We spent the other 3 hours helping hermana Lourdes chnage houses. It was really fun cause the Elders in my ward came and also the zone leader and a couple other Elders. Seriously the best thing ever and Hermana Lourdes was just so happy to have all of this help!

Then this next week and tomorrow are going to be a ton of fun! So carnival begins today and tomorrow. Theres going to be a parade and people throwing water balloons at other people and flour and eggs so it’s going to be great! We are going to be in the house doing something, not sure yet but it will be fun!

Hope you all have a great week!! Talk in a little more then a week!

Love you!

hermana White

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Happy Valentines Day (a week late)

I think that this week was one of the fastest that I have ever had! I feel like it was just Monday! But anyways, this week was pretty good!

For valentines day, my district went to a chocolate factory and helped a member out there! It was really fun and we got to try some of the chocolate that we were wraping! It was really yummy!:)

Then Thursday we had our meetings and we found out that because of carnival transfers are going to be this Thursday! Like 3 days early! Also, I’m the English tutor for my district and I had to teach English for the first time this week. It was really fun cause I taught the different vowel sounds. And I found out that Latinas have a problem with the words cut and cat and also got and God. They can’t tell the different when we say these words!

Then Sunday was the best! One of my investigadors had their interview for baptism and is going to be bapttised this week! Its really exciting!! Last day of the transfer and a baptism!

And just so that you know, this week I might write on Saturday and I might not. It all depends on the transfers. But just a heads up!

Love you! Hope that your week was awesome!!

Hermana White

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Semana 23 and 5 months

Today is my mission birthday! I have 5 months exactly today!! Reallly is such a short amount of time!

Well this week has been really exciting! Tuesday I ate watita again! But this time it was even worse cause it was cooked even worse then the time before. But at least there was avacado and potatoes and rice to eat it with! Thats something really weird that they do here. They cook rice and potatoes and serve them in the smae meal! They actually tase really good together! But anyways, while we were walking home talking about the weirdest food that we have eaten my companion fell and hurt her knee! We both thought that she was fine but she wasn’t actually. So Friday we called the mission nurses and stayed in the house all day Friday and Saturday and Sunday and Today for P-day we didn’t do anything either! That is the longest time I have ever spent in one room before! We have watched Legacy and Joseph Smith Profet of the restaration and The mountain of the Lord more times in these 4 days then I can count!! But we did get to take a nap so that was really nice but I am so ready to get back to work tonight!!

The really awesome miracle that we saw this week is that one of our investigators went with us to see a baptism and she is so excited for her own baptism this next week on the 24! She came to church with us and already told us that she is going to come to church next Sunday as well! Best thing ever!!

Hermana White and Hermana Echegaray
Hermana White and Hermana Echegaray

Also just so that everyone knows, end of february 27 and 28 (Monday dn Tuesday) are really crazy holidays here in Ambato apparently so I will not be leaving the house for those two days in like 3 weeks either. But cause its a monday we will be writing the 25 of February on a Saturday. Just so that you all know!!

Love you!!

Hermana White

Monday, February 6, 2017

Its Already February

Wow the time fly’s by so fast! I can’t believe that it is already February!! But this week has just been one of the best weeks ever!

Wednesday we (like the whole mission) had the opportunity to listen to an area authority Elder Montoya in a conference. It was so cool! There were like 50 missionaries in the stake center in Ambato cause the 4 zones outside of Quito were there. There were a ton of Elders cause there are two zones where the sisters aren’t aloud to go to. But anyways, the conference was awesome! Elder Montoya talked a lot about obedience and the atonement. I loved what he said most about the atonement that the way that we see it is the way that we should apply it into our lives. If we see it as love then we should love more. I really liked it and I thought that it was really interesting.

Also, in our zone conference we got the new mission schedual!! It is so weird but I love it! We now plan in the morning and have more time to get ready. Then we leave at 10:30 but come back right after lunch when nobody is home or in the streets and study language for an hour. So different but I love it!

Also, the whole month of february I guess is like a holiday or something. So this saturday there was like a parade of hourses for two hours! They were like dancing with the hourses and a lot of drinking and stuff. But it was still pretty cool! I wish I had had my camera to take a picture!

Something else that happened this week is that the Hermana Leaders came to study with us on Saturday for an hour. They gave us chocoalte so it was pretty cool. But they talked a lot about how we need to work better with our companion and what we (Hermana Echegary and I) need to do to better ourselves for the other half of the change.

That’s pretty much all that happened this week! I walked a lot and knocked on doors for a couple hours but that’s it!

Love you all!

Hermana White

Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 20...I Think!

Well this week has just been Awesome!! I had divisions with the hermana Leaders and so I left my area for the day and went there to work. I was pretty awesome! We ate Ice cream and taught a really old women about the restauration.

Then Wednesday we had a worlwide missionary conference and we also had interviews with President. I think the interviews are one of my favorite things here! He asked us to study 2Nephi 11, 31 and 3Nephi 11. Those are awesome chapters and it was just so amazing to talk with president about what I learned and learn even more from talking with him. And I think for the worldwide conference the missionary schedule changed…but I’m not sure.

Also this week like almost all of our appointments fell like every day! It was pretty funny/annoying. So we did a lot of contacting! The good news is that we found some new people to teach! So a tender mercy from the Lord right there!

Also this week I’m pretty sure that I found my new favorite scripture. Alma 38:5, i’s pretty awesome!

Then today for P-day the Elders in my ward and us went to a members house and learned how to cook a type of really delicious soup. It’s called encebolado (probably spelled that wrong) and its has fish and some other stuff that I can’t remember the name of but it was really awesome!


Anyways, I think thats all!

Love you all!

Hermana White

Monday, January 23, 2017


So this week has been a little crazy! But not really actually! I am in a new area with a new companion and it is just awesome! My new Companion is Hermana Echegaray and she is from Peru from somewhere on the coast. And I am the only Gringa in my whole district! I think I might just learn spanish this change!

But being in a new sector is really awesome! My new sector is so tiny! I can walk around my whole sector in less then 30 minutes! This is really different from my old one where I could go in a bus for 2 hours and still be in my sector! But I really like a smaller area. And that I can talk in Spanish all day everyday! It’s pretty cool to think about actually!

One really good thing that happened this week is that two of my investigators, Marilim and Anai have a baptisimal date! They are going to be baptized the 18 of February! It’s really exiting! And today for P-day all of the Hermanas went and played soccer and ate pizza! It was a ton of fun! But I don’t understand how I can walk all day every day and still be so out of shape! Running for like 5 minutes killed me!

That’s all for this week! Love you all!

Hermana White