Hermana Libby White has been called to serve as a representative of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Ecuador, Quito mission. She will be serving the people of Ecuador for 18 months.
Happy New Years Everyone!! This week was just crazy here! So Christmas wasn't really anything special, but New Years Eve is just crazy!! People were getting ready for it all week long!! We had almost no visits this week cause so many people went out of town!! But it´s all good! It was really cool to see the different traditions that they have here. One of them is that they buy a creepy little doll and burn it at midnight! I like the sound of the idea but I would never do that! Mostly because the dolls are just to creepy for me to handle! But it was funny cause Sunday morning we walked to the church and counted the piles of ash that were left over for the night before! I think that we were up tp 30 before we got to the church!
Feliz Año! Then today for p-day we went to a tourist town called Baños! It it like an Ecuadorian versian of Moab! It´s really pretty cool! But we went there to go see a really cool waterfall called Pylon del Diablo. I would definetly look up a video or pictures of this waterfall cause it is so cool!! But we went and we actually hiked underneath the waterfall and got soaked and went up and touched the waterfall!! It was so cool!!!
Pylon Del Diablo I think that is pretty much it!! Hope you all had an awesome week!! And happy New Years!! Love,
Hermana White